DNX FOOD Food Culture The RecipeTin cookbook – tell me what you want!

The RecipeTin cookbook – tell me what you want!

The RecipeTin cookbook – tell me what you want! post thumbnail image

SURPRISE! I’ve signed a contract for a RecipeTin cookbook! But this won’t be just another cookbook……This is going to be a cookbook filled with new recipes YOU ask for.

Let’s make this cookbook OURS!

RecipeTin Eats Cookbook Announcement

PS That’s just a mock cover!!

Finally – a cookbook!

This is real – a RecipeTin cookbook is happening! I’m committed – I can’t back out, I’ve signed a publishing contract with Pan Macmillan, a big name publishing house here in Australia.

Excited, nervous, daunted, scared…. all these words come to mind as I sit here, preparing myself for what will be the the most important and biggest project I have ever undertaken in my professional life.

Which brings me to the main purpose of sharing this news….

I want to make this cookbook WITH you, FOR you!

Let’s fill these pages with recipes YOU want! Mostly new, but even some favourites from the website!

RecipeTin Eats Cookbook Announcement

I’m going to be completely honest with you. I am under no illusion about how much work it will take to make a cookbook.

So for me to make this cookbook for myself, because, well, you know, it is kind of an ego boost to see your name on a printed book. That’s not enough motivation for me. I don’t deserve it! 😂

If, on the other hand, I make it for you…….. now THAT is what I call motivation. That gets me excited. That is what will give me the incentive to give this cookbook everything I’ve got, to make it the best it can be.

I want to make a cookbook that you will actually use all the time, rather than gathering dust on the bookshelf.

So tell me what you want in our cookbook! What type of recipes, even little details like adding nutrition information, storage and make ahead tips, or key dietary notes (like gluten free).

They will mostly be new recipes that are exclusively made for the cookbook though I will also include some long standing reader favourites from the website!

Let’s make this cookbook together. Leave your cookbook wish list in the comments section below!!

– Nagi x

PS Reminder – this cover is a fake!! 😂 You know full well I am going to ask for your opinion when choosing the real cover. ❤️

RecipeTin Eats Cookbook Announcement

Life of Dozer

I know today’s big announcement is all about me, me, me. But that’s no excuse to skip a Dozer update! Here he is, disrespecting my cookbook already. Or possibly just thinks the photo is real food. It could be either. 🙄

Dozer sniffing RecipeTin Eats cookbook mock up

Though he has already expressed he is willing and able to help in any way possible with the cookbook. Thanks Dozer! We all know what your “help” involves….

RecipeTin Eats Cookbook Announcement

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